Gujarati Lesson 3

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Gujarati alphabets are known as Barakshari. Based on 12 vowels. Each vowel is added to each consonant and it creates a new set of letters. The set for Ka is pronounced as Ka Kaa Ki Kee Ku Koo Keh Kai Ko Kou Kan Kaha.

f ft rf fe fw fq
fu fi ftu fti fk f&

The following gives explanation to how these letters are formed and what would be the base of pronunciation.

f + y = f f + yu = fu
f + yt = ft f + yi = fi
f + R = rf f + ytu = ftu
f + E = fe f + yti = fti
f + W = fw f + yk = fk
f + Q = fq f + y& = f&

The following words use combinations of Ka. Try to read the words without worrying about the meaning or interpretation. The important thing is to be able to recognize the letters.

fjb ftb rfhK fexf
fw¤ fq’ fuz ftuf
ftiNj fkxf ftu»t ftch
fXK fwN fwN¤ ftd¤
fuJ¤ ftft ftfe ftuK

This concludes lesson 3. Let's proceed to Lesson 4.