Gujarati fonts is the biggest problem one faces while reading Gujarati on the internet. If you do not have any Gujarati fonts installed, click here for pictorial Gujarati text. The following text assumes that you have already visited Rajkot's website and downloaded Laser Gopika font from there.
Gujarati alphabets are easy to remember, when you pay attention to the sound coming out of throat. The first set of alphabets are sounded when back of tongue touches back of the mouth. See how your tongue touches top of mouth when you say, "C" as in Come. These letters are...Ka Kha Ga Gha
The second set of alphabets are sounded with middle of tongue touching the middle top of the mouth. Obviously, mouth can not be opened wide, when you speak these letters. See how your tongue touches top of mouth when you say, "J" as in Job. These letters are...Cha Chha Ja Za
The third set of alphabets are sounded with front of tongue touching just above teeth on top of the mouth like when you say "D" as in Day. These letters are...Ta Tha Da Dha Na
The fourth set of alphabets are sounded with tip of tongue touching tip of top teeth or back of teeth like when you say "Th" is in That. These letters are...Ta Tha Da Dha Na
The fifth set of alphabets are sounded without using tongue, just use your lip movement like when you say "P" as in Poem. These letters are...Pa Fa Ba Bha Ma
The sixth set of alphabets are sounded as if they are coming from back of the mouth till front. Y as in Yeah, R as Row, L as in Love, W as in Well. They are...Ya Ra La Va
The seventh set of alphabets are variation sounds of S. They start from the middle of tongue and progress towards tip. They are...Sha Sha Sa
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The eighth set of alphabets are sounded as if they are coming from back of the mouth till front. H as in hope, L as in Oval but letting tongue fall without touching top, X as in Fix, Gna as in Magna. These letters are...Ha La Xa Gna
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Those were consonents called vyanjan and now we look at 12 vowels called swar. They are more like AEIOU coming from back of throat without using tongue, except last two where tongue is moved a little. These letters are...Uh Aa E Ee...Oo Ooo Eh Ai...O Ou An Aha
In order to learn to write these letters, write from top to down and left to right. Just like English, Gujarati also is written from left to right.
That will be end of the first lesson. Hope you enjoyed it. Your Feedback would be appreciated. You may proceed to Lesson 2.