Using what you learnt in previous lesson, try to read the following words. Very few words are listed here so that you don't feel scared of learning the language. Don't worry about interpreting the words right now. It is important to recognize the letters and how they form into words. Building vocabulary is a long process. It becomes easy deal with it after you grasp reading the words. Once you get comfortable recognizing them, you might want to practice writing this words too.
fb¤ | FbK | dÍj | Dxf | a»tf |
Adl | Xh | Zc | ;ûtf | ;s¿t |
:z | ’m | "Jj | "l | vJl |
Vhf | Csl | bK | gN | n¤ |
This concludes lesson 2. Let's proceed to Lesson 3.